Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Learnt about bladder control in my prac today - main key is don't go if u think if you want to go, wait a while and if u really need to go then there is some truth in that ok but of course it depends on the situation! so pls don't quote me!^-^

Hmmm...Had bak ku teh and roast beef(!? clarification!?) for dinner!Thanks guys!lol...hmmm...Nothing much did a bad drive-off from a "slope" haha...Studied...That's about it!?Haha...One of my aunt actually thinks that I'm in Adelaide still!Some of my friends do as well...Hahaa...Ok so I'm in BRISBANE people!Its ok i'll tell u guys again when i get back!

Clarification: Auntie Cheung which i mentioned in a previous blog is actually Auntie Juang - Sorry to those who tried to google her name

Quote of the day: "looks like the land of funny walks" - Janelle G.. - This morning's pelvic floor exercises prac...We were all contracting our pelvic floor muscles and walking!haha....not easy!If you want to know how to do a pelvic floor exercise ask me!haha....