Sunday, August 13, 2006
EKKA!!!I had lots of fun at the ekka today~Animals, flying human cannonballs,showbags, firemen, FIREWORKS!!!The animals didn't all smell very pleasent but they were cute!Look at the llamas on the right!so loving!I step on some animal faeces...but all was good~!!Some little kids were riding small horses~ they were so cute...plaited mane and checkered butt~Showbag s pavillion was so crowded!We had to form a human train of 3 people!haha...finally we managed to leave the pavillion unscathed!Als and mingwei bought some showbags~~We got a little red car stuff toy for mw for him to put in his car~~!The food and wine pavillion was really fun too~Tried different kind of honeys~I like the macademia nut flavor best!!!Went to have a look at the rides and carnival games! Really cool~ Good atmosphere~!Mingwei tried to play the frog game, he got one frog on the leaf! So he won the mini prize "obese" e lmo! (NB:I had a choice of cookie monster or elmo but als thought cookie monster looked too simple!)Cos its jus like an elmo in blue and without a nose!haha..)More photo taking! And then when I was pressing some buttons on my camera, some guy just jump in front of my camera and said "Did you get that?"..I didn't!lol...So I asked him if he wants to try again!Then another guy came up and offered to take for us a picture!lol..there it is!(see right)haha... We ended the day at the arena!With some motorcross show and Holden stormriders truck show~The Human cannonball was quite amazing as I quote alsfer~Then the FIREWORKS!!was great~I'm figuring out how to put a video here..till then live on my amateur pics first!lol...Took a bus out of the showgrounds!Were I met a very cute little boy on the bus! He was looking at the videos on my camera...He was telling me that he took 5 rides today and was shocked when I say I didn't take any rides cos I was scared!lol...His expression was classic~hee...He wants to be a fireman when he grows up!He was also trying to spell train "T...R...A...N" so cute~ Went to WAH for dinner...these korean soups are pretty spicy~!!Haha....Got home and on the bus we met charles!!!From caboolture!The world or rather brisbane is so should know better!^-^ More food was awaiting us at home~Butterscotch pudding!(Steve's mum's recipe~!!) Yum! SUDDENLY, i realised!Where is my FIREMAN CALENDER!!!??!Now...Als has been crapping away for so long....from the start of this blog and it hasn't ended yet....goodness...bless me~