Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I finally managed to wake up for my 8am practical!Gosh but I was in zombie mode throughout the prac...Came back home for lunch!!And Kate was so HYPERACTIVE!Too much sleep for her maybe!haha...Oh the Jumbo Nissin Doll which I won arrived today!It look huge~haha...cheeky look...(Look at Pauline and it -they can't take their eyes off each other!haha...)Watched beautiful cooking~So hilarious!It got my vote for best cooking show ever!And I really want to try KARY's cooking to see if its that horrible, cos she has the lowest marks ever -32!??I think even if its me I will get 1 or 2 marks....haha...(those who tried my maggi noodles don't you agree?!?)Again went to school for another 4 hours of prac...I read the timetable for the wrong day and the household arrived at the practical early!Geez...We think we have not experienced that for a long long time at least *ahem* for some of us..Maybe some people were shocked to see us there~The feeling was great seeing everyone stroll in one by one but I guess i rather be on time!And during the PNF prac I almost fell of the bed cos I was falling asleep, luckily als save me in time!haha...she poked me!Up till then I was scribbling nonsense on my paper~Gosh...I suspect 7 hours of sleep is seriously not sufficient for me...How long do you guys actually sleep??Any sec ret for getting a good sleep, please share!Came home and was going crazy~haha...I don't know, all of us were in the kitchen and we took a pic!haha...Ya thats raw chicken! To be correct de-fatted chicken which are 99.9% fat free courtesy of Meida...haha....Then we went for K-dinner, which was quite fun~haha...a little disappointed that they changed the menu for dinner, but was still not bad~haha...MW!!!Still sing so little songs, jia you, don't be shy!^-^Als have a little stomach trouble now, get well soon!!!Talking about songs anyone who know the group or the song name to this "This is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drown the whole world...." Let me know!!Do you have to wake up early tomorrow or rather today if you are following brisbane time??haha...I don't have to!(Sorry I'm being a litte mean!)lol...Its the Ekka holiday!!!Yeah~~~We will be having a bday dinner later here!!Yeah~Quote of the day: "Get me some chocolates~~!!" - Donna McCook - when she was getting tongue tied pronoucing hypothenar eminence in today's prac...I guess chocolates are good cure for anything from moodiness to gibberish, now you have an excuse to reach for those Tim Tams!