Saturday, August 19, 2006
Had driving lessons,today....not too bad still alive!lol...Hopefully I can take my test
soon!hee...Hmmm..had Korean BBQ for dinner!suddenly had the urge when I saw my sis pic on yuki yaki!haha...But the place was hard to find or rather I had no sense of direction??!?Nah...the map was dodgy!!IWe walked round and round to the same spot... felt so full...I had like 7 r 8 cups of tea....I think I won't have any Korean BBQ of any sorts soon!Hmmm..I think basically today was ok for me, didn't do any sudying that I wanted!!i will tomorrow~!Go Man Utd for the new season!!Ok till tmrw then!(Oh update today lacks any punch!oH well!
Oh ya....we were talking about how babies breathe...anyway we were puzzled at what happens to the mother's umbilical cord once its cut??Does it get tied and stuff??I mean its cut at the babies end how is it managed at the mother's end??if anyone know pls let me know!!lol...when I was looking at a forum it seems that majority of people think that the baby is more "peaceful"(doesn't cry seemingly in pain as depicted on tv) when its given birth at home....hmmm...