Friday, August 18, 2006
Hi there!haha...didn't update yesterday cos I was too busy!haha...~Finally completed my essay!!!Good ridance!Altered the changes in my timetable and I realised I have 5 more foolscapes to throw away b4 my sem ends!!Yeah!!Ok if you are wondering what I mean..Cos I print 2 weeks of my timetable on an A4 sheet..Ok I think u can get the idea!Yippee..But 1.5 weeks to my first prac exam this sem!Ahhhh....Ok ANDREA u better start studying!
Ok I think it is time I addressed this issue or rather the case of the missing Rosken since it has been more than 48 hours since it was last seen.. In case you are wondering what is Rosken, its a bottle of moisturiser for dry skin. Hmm..It was last seen on the floor of my room early last week beside als computer. After that, it has been missing!We searched high and low for it..But it is nowhere to be found!I don't know, I use to have this problem of losing things but they usually appear after 1 or 2 days...If anyone happen to see it please return it to me or als...i'm dehydrating!Wherever you are Rosken come back soon please I will promise to spend less time with Nivea!!!!!
Yesterday....Went grocery shopping!Quite fun!Went to Sunnybank got some stuff from the chinese grocery then went to Coles!The cockroach in the ATM machine at Yuen's is still there, I think it can be classified as an antique soon. Anyway, thanks MW (who was nougat crazy!he ate original crunchy,apricot soft, green tea soft, original soft and cappucino soft and crunchy!!)for driving us around!!haha....The sky was nice that evening!Went to Dave's place to have a taste of his culinary skills!Which was pretty good!Thanks DAVE!As you know I'm not very keen on my veggies but I finished every one of the veggies~even the broccoli(Other than the fact that Meida "stole" some peas from me!haha..)They were sweet!Ahh...The secret..boil them with salt water!Ok so if u want to make me eat veggies u know what to do ^-* haha...Also I thought i'll share with you the Aussie way of washing up!
First you have to have 2 sinks...Ok u can use 2 basins too...Hmmm..3 or 4 people?maybe...Fill the first sink with warm water abt 30.5 degrees and then add some dishwashing liquid to it. Mix well. Fill the 2nd sink with warm or cold water either is fine I guess. Ok Person A will take the dishes and dip them in the soapy water scrub it well and pass to Person B who will clean of the soap in the clean water.Person B will then pass to Person C who should be armed with a tea towel and is involved in drying the dishes. (You may not need C if you have very little dishes or have a large rack to put them on!) Optional Person D can be helpful to place the dried dishes and stuff back in the cupboards! Person A take note: the key is to wash the cleanest stuff first and progress to the more dirty ones...e.g. cups, cutlery and then if you have a dishwasher!haha...Anyway I still prefer to wash my dishes one by one!I don't know I just like that! lol...
More photo taking sessions...Taught Dave and Kate chinese....or rather Mandarin!They are both pretty good!haha...Thats Dave's little book!
Came home...discussed about our 53 year old firemen patient....Started making bad jokes (Just put 5 girls together at 1am) about the firemen calendar which I have yet to get and Ekka ends tomorrow.>-<
Quote of the day: "Take and eat yourself" - MW (Get it!??for those who don't pls contact me...He was trying to tell kate she could eat the strawberries in the blue bag...he was so clueless when we kept laughing!haha...)