Friday, June 27, 2008

my blog is so boring!!!!!
really lack inspiration and drive to do anything of late!!
Wimbledon is killing my sleep!
Watch for Gulbis!I reckon from some angles he looks
like the younger Prince Williams O_o

I think I must be getting older, everyone on TV is
getting younger!! Geez..


Thursday, June 26, 2008
oh sydney sydney

sadly, i'm back into my pigsty of a room @manors.
no more i-want-to-go-back-to-sleep-on-sheraton-bed on als's face

its been eons since i last went to sydney...

first thing first, absolutely LOVE Sydney.
Being the city person i am, love that feeling of a big city
with good shopping! But Sydney buildings too brown
and grey
can be sad in overcast mornings.

As much as I love Sydney, the city is a bit too dirty.
Its hard to find a good toilet, I had to hold my breath in
95% of the toilets I went to!!!

SHOPPING IS FANTASTIC! Myer is much bigger and carry
more labels -ahhh....TGV, QVB all highly recomme
Go to Market City if you want warehouse sales stuff.
Food is brilliant too!=)=) The trip is made possible by Koko
Linda (who is always busy with work), Tun Wei,
Kwan woon (thanks
for the spanish rec!) and Als!

*hot chocolate from lindt cafe!*

*the ever busy koko!*

I can't bear the thought that placements will be
starting soon!So sian!

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

my room is in such a mess now i don't know what to do.
i kept putting off cleaning it cos we will be moving,
so theoretically we shld clean before we move,
Good point.

The mini cooper cabrio sidewalk series is so so nice!
Leather seats. Tick.
Nice features. Tick.
I swear i saw a beige one on the road, but it doesn't
seem to be an official color!
It like half priced here compared to singapore,
I'm contemplating if i shld work here to buy it.

Hahaaa...I better start saving up!

I think the Daihatsu Tanto is a cute little car too!
It looks so postman pat!

So funny when I was like in primary/sec school
all i wanted was a baby G, a discman and what nots.
when I was in JC i wanted an mp3 player, a mini disc,
and nice sneakers.

Now I want watches, u grow older the
things i fancy seems to increase too.Horrible andrea.


Monday, June 02, 2008
lousy freezer

My brissy home has the worst ever fridge/freezer.
It can't even keep my ice cream frozen!
Poor weis has its chemistry altered and have to be eaten
in a sloppy state!

and again my mouse is spoilt - i think i have the worst track
record with mouse. Luckily, i'm so smart this damaged one comes
with a 5 year warrenty but got to go back to sg to get it fixed!
I suspect its the wire that goes into the mouse that is always
damaged! So i think wireless mouse might be better!

Essays are so lame sometimes.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

back to uni again tmrw!!!
time really flies with women's health - firstly the 3 funny girls (jess,em,lucy)
seriously crack me up~ and of course our lovely educator~poppers and mandarins!
I may venture into women's health someday it think! But i must say
giving birth is a really tiring (and i reckon painful process) and I never
ever figure how ppl go beyond one?(MUM HOW!?!)

geez.I can't believe my Sg placement is not confirmed yet!
I tell u the airtickets are skyrocketing high the taxes now
are the same price as the ticket itself.RIDICULOUS!
and finally the petrol prices broke the $1.5aud mark!
I'm not going to complain hearing that back home petrol prices are
like $2.2.

Can't wait can't wait!!! Even thought Mr Big is the man, I truely
miss Aidan!!Carrie should have chosen Aidan!!Awww.....
I got to watch the whole series again!
TV watching~!Yeah!!!!!

andrea got new toys!=)
