Saturday, May 12, 2007

happy mother's day~!woohoo~

On this day don't forget to give your mum a hug and
thank her for her care, nagging(maybe not) and love!
There are some important women in my life who are
super duper!

my mummy

mummy thanks for everything!from waking me up at 5am
during school days, preparing breakfast, taking care of house
and making my clothes magically appear prim and proper after
i place it in the laundry basket..dadada...your sometimes crazy
sense of humour and emotional deposition and overobsessive
parenting(maybe only on Jo haha...) makes you special!^-^
Sometimes 4 of us can be a handful and ya i know sometimes
somehow i suspect we gang up against you (not in a bad way!)
but i think you are amazing and what we have achieved till now
can't be done without u(and daddy of course but let's leave
that for father's day!) I hope u have an awesome mother's day!!

my granny(s)

Well i used to call my 2 grannys by the area they live in (chai chee
ah ma and serangoon ahma) haha...without them biologically
i won't be here typing this entry!My serangoon ahma is no longer
with us - but i still remember all those time i spent with you~
no matter where you are i hope u are happy!!and thank you
for all your care and love!!
Chai chee ahma!Happy mother's day!!Thanks for looking
after me and cooking all my favourite food!!Your jokes i
can never forget and your prayers for me i will always
remember!Remember to eat healthy and practice your
tai chi (which i can't even keep up with)

my kokos!

Koko Maureen - the crab queen!!thank you for always
getting fresh crabs all the time!!and all the nice food you
have cooked for us!^-^

Koko Linda - thanks for being my listening ear and giving me
strength to overcome during tough times~thank you for
supporting me in whatever i do~ it must be busy time for
you - as usual take care of your health!!

Koko Susan - i miss your cookies!!!and cheesecake!and of
course you too!haha...Hope you are not reaching for the
chocos as much lately!Anyway thank you for all the
laughter and fun!Thank you for sharing many of life
experience with me~

my da-yi

Da-yi!!Happy mother's day!I miss you a lot!Well, you are no
longer with us but always in my heart~Your strength and
great motherly love is undeniable!Everytime my parents
don't let me buy something my da-yi will get it for me!
haha...all the sweets, cds...thank you!

of course there are many other relatives which i can't list all
but many of you have influenced me one way of another!And I
LOve you all too!!!HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!I think you all deserve

and amelia since u are so super awesome i wish you a happy mother's day too~haha...
