Sunday, December 03, 2006

Before I start on anything!HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO NURUL AND XUANTING!!!Sorry guys didn't have time to blog!!!But regardless, may all your wishes come true!!!YEaH!!!See you guys soon la!

Koko Susan is finally in Singapore!!With all her children!!
Baby bryton is really cute!!!The boys as usuals are a crazy bunch, its seriously a challenge to look after pre-puberty boys!hahaa....Woo~~

Ikea Tampines is finally opened!Pretty cool to look at furniture and stuff!Its good fun!I still love their stackable glasses and bought the mini ones!Kawaii!But i have yet to eat the Swedish meatballs!!!argh!!!Talking about food...Been eating and Eating and eating!Ate @ HK cafes(which seems to be popping up faster than you can say TOAST!Its like a bubble tea phenomenon!), cos I LOVE HK MILKTEA!!
Hawker food is still cheap and good!!!~~~I don't know if i have been out of the country too long, after my late night movie with Nick the other day I was amazed that suki sushi, the hk cafe,pastamania...@cine is still opened at wee hours!!!Yeah!!!

Been about 2 weeks since i'm back!!!But I haven't met up with everyone yet even some of my cousins!will get that done!!So far so good, other than it being too humid, raining all day long and that no one wants to hire me for the next 9 days!!haha...Any lobang for simple jobs ^-^ from jan to end feb find me please!!