Wednesday, October 04, 2006
HappY BirthdaY AGGIE!!!haha....finally your turn to be 21!!!Wish you all the best, all the craziness!!Geez...seems like a long time since good ol' PJ days! haha..all the "Inspection" (what a classic!-firmness guaranteed!hahaa..opps), "the morning tie craziness", "the one with the constipation" (watermelon helps with constipation!?or something like that), "the one with Andrea's mole", "the one where AIRPORK is born" hahaa...U have been a great pal to TAN HUI HUI (i know it amuses u-only for your bday), ANDREA , NRIC s85XXXXXI, and you never fail to make me laugh with all your antics. Thank you for just being who you are, and continue that Aggie-ness!^-^ That day on msn, u seem to forget all the kopi u owe me!Will come after u for that maybe prata instead of kopi~?! Whatever, SEE U VERY SOON! WIll get my highly inefficient brother (Joel if u are reading this, its u!haha...) to get back to u soon!!! And again shen(1) re(4) kuai(4) le(4)! (is my hanyu pinyin correct?) Yippee!!!__________________________________________________________________Guess what is in this bag? (read on for the answer!)I
ta da!Its a bag of bread!
If i didn't know better i'll think I'm living in breadtalk or something...Look everywhere in my house is bread, 麵包,Pain, Roti, パン, PÃO, 面包!!!!
When u see me much taller the next time, you will know I have got an yeast overdose~